ProStructures CONNECT Edition Configuration


Configuration Description Type
PS_SHAPESDATABASES Shapes databases Default setting: $(PS_CUSTOMPIPEDB);$(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Shapes/*.mdb File list
PS_SHAPESIMAGES Where to find country flag and shape profile images. Default setting: $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Shapes/ Directory list
PS_COMBISHAPES Combined shape profile catalogs.

Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Shapes/CombiShapes/*/; $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Shapes/CombiShapes/*/

This variable was available in SS8 as a Directory type for the "CombiShapes" directory.
Enhanced directory list
PS_ROOFWALLPANELS Roof and wall panel profile catalogs.

Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Shapes/RoofWall/*/; $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Shapes/RoofWall/*/

This variable was available in SS8 as a Directory type for the "RoofWall" directory.
Enhanced directory list
PS_USERSHAPES User shape profile catalogs.

Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Shapes/UserShapes/*/; $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Shapes/UserShapes/*/

This variable was available in SS8 as a Directory type for the "UserShapes" directory.
Enhanced directory list
PS_WELDSHAPES Welded shape profile catalogs.

Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Shapes/WeldShapes/*/; $(_PS_SYSTEMROOT)Shapes/WeldShapes/*/

This variable was available in SS8 as a Directory type for the "WeldShapes" directory.
Enhanced directory list
PS_SPC_MAPPINGDATABASE Section mapping database created when working with SPC.

Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Shapes/spc_config.mdb

PS_CUSTOMPIPESDB Database defining user-defined pipe sizes. The database is edited by the SubStation tools. Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Shapes/Custom_$(_PS_UNITSSYTEM).mdb File
PS_NAMINGCONVENTIONSFILE Formats for naming parametric shapes, e.g. round bars Default setting: $(_PS_WORKSPACESTANDARDS)Data/PsShapeNamingConventions.ini
Note: The file does not have to exist; ProStructures has built-in defaults.